Haiti Seisme - Ayiti Tranbleman te - Haiti Earthquake

Page Commemorative - Paj Komemoratif - Commemorative Page

On se souvient... - Nou p'ap janm bliye... - We remember...

2010 - 2013

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Share your story…

With the two year anniversary of the earthquake approaching, we would like to put together a commemorative page with your stories, poems, photos, songs, quotes and videos. Please share with us your stories, emotions, and events taking place in your neighborhoods via our Contact Us page or by emailing us at info@haiti1stop.com.

Avec le deuxième anniversaire du séisme, nous aimerions mettre en place une page commémorative avec vos histoires, vos poèmes, photos, chansons, citations et vidéos. S’il vous plaît partagez avec Haiti1Stop vos histoires, émotions et événements qui auront lieu dans vos quartiers via notre page “Contact Us” ou par courriel à info@haiti1stop.com.

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Share your story…

With the two year anniversary of the earthquake approaching, we would like to put...
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Haiti before the earthquake – Video

Uploaded by PRIDESOFHAITI on Jan 17,...
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Views of Haiti before the earthquake – Video

Uploaded by prolifique86 on Feb 18,...
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Airport & Champ De Mars before the Earthquake – Video

Uploaded by gpolynice on May 5,...
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Palace of Haiti prior the earthquake – Video

Uploaded by HoboTraveler on Nov 25,...
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Haiti before the earthquake – Video

Uploaded by nnarha74 on Feb 11,...
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