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Open Call to all Haitian Designers & Artists for an International Design Competition!

Haiti1Stop would love to see a Haitian Designer or Artist win this competition! Slavery is part of Haiti’s past, and we would have never became the first independent slave colony, had we not fought against it.

Here are the details of the competition:

The Permanent Memorial Committee and UNESCO are accepting design proposals for the creation of a Permanent Memorial to honor the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. There is no entry fee to submit a design proposal, and the deadline for submission to UNESCO is December 19, 2001. The theme to remember when sending in your proposals and designs is: “Acknowledging the Tragedy: Considering the Legacy: Lest We Forget”.

Any questions for Phase I of the competition should be addressed via e-mail to:, no later than November 30, 2011.

You can also visit the website for additional information.

Andrea L.M. Wilson
Counsellor (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Affairs)
Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations
Tel: 212 935 7509, Ext 116
Fax: 212 935 7607

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