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Test your Haiti Knowledge

Did you know that Haiti1Stop was a Google maps contributor? Don’t believe us? Come and check out the maps we helped create on our Maps/Data Page. And while you are at it, give yourself a quiz to see how much you really know about Haiti, the departments and the communes.

Nothing infuriates us more than when people say, “Oh, I know all about Haiti because I visited such & such location on a cruise/mission/vacation/trip”. Haiti is a big island, and one cannot make assumptions about the entire country based on one location and one experience alone. Haiti is a sum of its parts, and you have to know and understand them all before you understand Haiti.

Ok, next time we see you, you should be able to recite from memory all of the communes in all of the departments of Haiti. Education is empowerement! So go ahead, step up to the challenge and empower yourself!

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