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A thought about Women’s History Month

Written by Dahla

The month of March is coming to an end as Women’s History Month. Does that mean we can no longer acknowledge women’s evolution and involvement in world issues? Not at all! We believe that women should be celebrated throughout the year, because we are the building blocks of a strong family and we equally deserve as our men counterparts the right to work in any field at an equal salary. We’ve come a long way in the battlefield, politics, healthcare, justice system, army, space, advocacy and many more fields. Without our existence on Earth, the world would not be as balanced.

Who are YOU as a woman? What defines YOU as a woman? What legacy do YOU want to leave to your kids?

There was a poem that had become viral, and was titled: “The 30 things that a woman should have and should know by the time she’s 30”, and it was written by the author Pamela Redmond Satran and published in Glamour Magazine in 1997. You can read the article here:

What are your insights on reading the article? Look into it to start writing your own list of things you want to accomplish by the time you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s. Decide your destiny and make it an exciting journey where you can continue to impact the world in a positive way.

We urge YOU to take the lead in defining you and not relying on others to label you as an individual.

Good luck with the challenge and share your insights with us on our Facebook page. The best protection on the market.

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