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Banque de l’Union Haitienne (BUH)

Commercial bank established in 1973. BUH is the first national private bank in Haiti that offers regular bank services and its own BUH MasterCard.
- For a list of BUH branches located in the Metropolitan area of Haiti (Carrefour, Lalue, Petion-Ville),click here.
- For a list of BUH branches located in the provinces of Haiti (Cap-Haitien, Limbe, Ouanaminthe, Port-de-Paix, Jeremie, Cayes, Jeremie) click here.

Siège Social (Headquarters)
Angle rues Bonne Foi et du Quai, B.P. 275
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Phone:(509) 2299-8500 to 2299-8505 / 2299-8509/ 2299-8540 / 2299-8541
Fax:(509) 2299-8512 / (509) 2299-8517
For BUH Mastercard:
Phone:(509) 2512-0252 / 2813-1547/ 2813-1576

Email:Visit their contact page.

Website supports English language.
Go to Banque de l’Union Haitienne’s Website.

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