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Sogebank (Société Générale Haïtienne de Banque S.A.)

Commercial bank founded in 1985, Sogebank is one the largest private bank in Haiti. Sogebank Group includes the following divisions: Sogebank , Sogebel (for housing), Sogesol (for microcredit), Sogecarte (for credit card issuer), SogeXpress (for money transfer), Sogefac (for consumer finance) and Fondation Sogebank (for philanthropy). For a list of products and services offered at the bank, click here. For the different divisions of the Sogebank Group and the addresses of branches located in Port-au-Prince and other provinces of Haiti, click here.

Siège Social (Headquarters)
Route de Delmas, B.P. 1315
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Phone:(509) 2229-5000 / 2229-5230 / 2229-5193/ 2229-5124
Fax:(509) 2229-5022 / 2229-55173 / 2229-55242 or visit their contact page.

Go to Sogebank’s Website

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