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Ayiti Kale Je

Ayiti Kale Je is a collaboration of two Haitian grassroots media organizations, Groupe Medialternatif/Alterpresse and the Society for the Animation of Social Communication (SAKS), along with two networks – the network of women community radio broadcasters (REFRAKA) and the Association of Haitian Community Media (AMEKA), which is comprised of community radio stations located across the country.

Ayiti Kale Je produces text, audio and video content in Haitian Creole, French, English and Spanish for audiences in Haiti, in the Haitian diaspora, as well as in North America, Latin America and throughout the world. The effort focuses on “watchdogging” the aid and reconstruction from the point of view of Haiti’s majority, at the same time as it also provides historical and political context, examines structural causes and challenges, and seeks out Haitian academics, technicians and specialists who will add their voices to the voices of the Haitian people and their associations and organizations.


Go to Ayiti Kale Je’s Website.

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