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Union Haitienne des Paysans (UHP) / Union of Haitian Peasants

Founded in 1990, UHP is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to defending the interests and to improving the quality of life of small Haitian producers in the rural areas of Haiti. Their work with Haitian producers expands nationally and internationally through education, community health, ecotourism, agrotourism, women’s rights and training advocacy, environmental and management of resources. Their ultimate goal is to ensure food security and nutrition in Haiti.

UHP is a member of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP ). The Haitian Peasant Union is the only peasant organization in Haiti to establish a National Association of Agricultural Press, Haitian Association of Agricultural Journalists (HAAJ), and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Haiti (AGRHA), National Beekeeping Association of Haiti (ANAPIH) and Haitian Association for the Production and Transformation of the Olive (AHPROTOL).

For detailed information on their cooperatives known as SOKOP (Sosyete Koperativ Solidarite) and KAKDEV (Christian Alliance Cooperative for Development) and UHP programs, click here.

Union Haitienne des Paysans
P.O. Box 13385, Pernier 16, Section Rurale de Petion Ville
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 3774- 6275 / (509) 3409-1567
Email: or

Website supports French, English, Creole & Spanish languages.
Go to Union Haitienne des Paysans’ Website.

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