Go back to Government
AGD provides information on taxes, imports & exports fees and rules, protocol in sending merchandises and dealing with customs and more.
There are about 17 offices of customs located in different regions of Haiti such as Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitien, Fort-Liberte, Jeremie, Jacmel, Cayes, Miragoane and others.
- - For a list of the customs offices (bureau de douane) located in different regions of Haiti, click here.
- - To get access to the different departments serving the customs offices in Haiti, (bureau de douane) click here.
Contact: Directeur General Jean Jacques Valentin 162 Route de Delmas, Delmas
Department de l’Ouest HT6120, Haiti Email: 10dg_daa@douane.hostcentric.com |
Contact: Directeur de Coordination de Bureaux de Provinces Jean-Baptiste Fresnel 161 Route de Delmas, Delmas
Department de l’Ouest HT6120, Haiti Email: 10dg_daa@douane.hostcentric.com |
This website supports French language only.
Go to Administration Generale Des Douanes' Website
AmCham Haiti is a nonprofit organization that promotes commercial, trade, investment and cultural exchanges between the United States and Haiti via a free market system and business ethics. Its members are firms and businessmen, through their Board of Directors and recommendations of their Committees direct and coordinate the activities, by which the organization, according to its Bylaws, achieves its goals. Click on specific links for Haiti investment code, labor code, newsletters, publications, Hope Act, and photo gallery. An online membership application is available on their website.
American Chamber of Commerce Haiti
18 Rue Moïse
Pétion-Ville, Haïti
Phone: (509) 2511-3024 / (509) 2940-3024
Email: Philippe Saint-Cyr, Executive Director, psaintcyr@amchamhaiti.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AmCham-Haiti
Go to AmCham Haiti's Website.
The National Port Authority (APN) is an independent commercial organization under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Its primary mission is to provide port services to ships, shipping agents and other port users of Haiti. APN follows the recommendations and guidance of the Board of Directors and, at the behest of General Management, manages all port facilities of the Republic relative to their daily operations. APN has jurisdiction to coordinate with other state agencies for any measures conducive to access and port activities; establish, review and strengthen, if necessary the rules and procedures for efficient cost management and lease of all ports; establish rates, fees, regulations for all ports including those managed by private companies; and provide security services in port areas under its jurisdiction and more.
Click on the specific links for organization structure, shipping agencies, shipping agent, APN partners, listing of private docks, certified ports, ports of cabotage, international port of Cap-Haitien, international port of Port-au-Prince, protocol for import/export, listing of vessels & docks.
Autorite Portuaire Nationale
Boulevard, La Saline, P.O. Box 616
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 3701-5372
Fax: (509) 3701-5374
Email: Visit their contact page
Radio: Capitainerie du Port VHF Frequence 156.6 Khz ou Canal 12 VHF Frequence 156.8 Khz ou Canal 16
Website supports French language.
Go to Autorité Portuaire Nationale's Website
This office’s mission is to assure the implementation of their vision and the execution of programs financed by the European Fund of Development. BONFED also makes the appropriate decisions related to the use of funds in identifying new resources and reviewing all documents/ proposals for approval.
For their organizational structure, click here. For their projects, click here. For their archives, click here.
Bureau de l’Ordonnateur National du Fonds Europeen de Developpement
25, 1ère Ruelle Wilson Pacot
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2940-1390 à 92 / (509) 2940-1394 à 98
Phone: (509) 2940-1397 / (509) 2942-0768 (Office Reception)
Email: Ordonnateurnlhaiti@yahoo.com
Website supports French language.
Go to Bureau de l’Ordonnateur National du Fonds Europeen de Developpement's Website.
Info-page Coming Soon...
In the meanwhile, please go directly to their website for information
Website supports French language.
Go to Bureau de Monétisation des Programmes d'Aide au Developpement's Website
The Bureau of Mines and Energy (BME) is an independent agency created in 1986 operating under the supervision of the Minister of Public Works, Transportation and Communications (MTPTC). Its mission is to promote research and exploitation of mineral and energy resources of Haiti and the proper techniques relative to the work. In addition, it aims to promote the use of technologies and energy sources economically viable and environmentally friendly.
Click on the specific links in French for Location Map; Reports on Mining and Quarry sectors; Research Permit; Geology; Reports of Energy sector; Geological risk; Climate risk; and Earthquake risk.
Contact: |
Contact: |
Bureau des Mines et de l'Energie
P.O.Box 2174
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 3401 -5892 / (509) 3462-2772 / (509) 3407-7223
Fax: (509)2246-1163
Email: bme@bme.gouv.ht |
Bureau des Mines et de l'Energie
Delmas 31, Rue Jacques 1er # 11
Port-au-Prince, Haiti |
Website supports French language.
Go to Bureau des Mines et de l'Energie's Website
The mission of the Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Disabled People is to develop a public policy for people with disabilities in all aspects of national life.
Their objectives are to: a) improve the living conditions of disabled people; b) help raise awareness of public opinion on national and international disability issues; c) strengthen the intervention capacities of associations / institutions and Disability; and d) establish a legal framework for protection of disabled persons.
For listing of associations for the disabled, click here. For publications, click here.
Website supports French language.
Go to Bureau du Secrétaire d’Etat à l’Intégration des Personnes Handicapées' Website
BHDA also known as the Office of the Haitian Copyright was created by decree in October 12, 2005 and was officially presented to the public on April 23, 2007. BHDA is responsible for collecting and distributing rights to the literary and artistic property throughout the territory. This entity represents the arm of the State for the copyright holder. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Copyright is the legal protection afforded to the holder of rights in the original work he created.
For listing of their services, click here. For registration, click here. For copyright’s protocol, click here.
Bureau Haitien du Droit d'Auteur (BHDA)
19, Rue Jeanty, Bois Patate
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2943-2929 / (509) 3195-2700
Email: info@bhda.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Website supports French language.
Go to Bureau Haïtien du Droit d’Auteur's Website
The Interministerial Committee for Regional Development (CIAT) was created on January 30, 2008 and is chaired by the Prime Minister. CIAT's mission is to define government policy on land use, protection and watershed management, water management, sanitation, planning and equipment. The following ministries are part of the committee: Ministry of Interior and Local Authorities, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Public Works, Transport and Communications and Environment.
Click on the links for their structure, projects, publications, partners & members of CIAT, digital library.
Contact for Mailing Address:
Comite Interministeriel d’Amenagement du Territoire
12, Rue Pacot, (HT6110)
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2519-0096 / 0095 / 0094 / 0093
Email: info@ciat.gouv.ht or visit contact page
Website supports French language.
Go to Comité Interministériel d’Aménagement du Territoire's Website
The National Commission on Government Procurement (CNMP) is a decentralized body of the Prime Minister's Office. It is created by the Decree of December 3, 2004. CNMP's main mission is to ensure that everyone has equal access to public procurement, and equal treatment of their files submission; maximize the benefits of public spending by the tendering of Contractors in order to improve the use of public funds. In summary, CNMP coordinates, controls and monitors all activities relating to the procurement by the standards and procedures established by the decree relative to awarding contracts, public works, supplies and services.
Click on the links for: Listing of registered Ministerial Commissions at CNMP , Organization structure, Listing of suppliers of the State, CNMP activities, Listing of CNMP partners & donors and glossary.
Contact for Mailing Address:
Commission Nationale des Marchés Publics
4, Rue Coutilien, Musseau,Bourdon
P.O. Box 15220
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2943-0545
Email: info@cnmp.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Website supports French language.
Go to Commission Nationale des Marchés Publics' Website
Conatel is a regulatory cooperation of telecommunications in Haiti that oversees the legislative, management of communications (radio, television, phone lines) and the distribution of internet. They provide the licenses for internet access and support pilot projects that underline internet access in schools, community internet cafes, telemedicine and tele-education.
For future projects, click here. For their protocol, click here.
Website supports French language.
Go to Conseil National des Telecommunications' Website.
Info-page Coming Soon...
In the meanwhile, please go directly to their website for information
Website supports French language.
Go to Direction de l’Administration Pénitentiaire's Website
The National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation also known as DINEPA is committed to enforcing the state policy in the sector of drinking water and sanitation. They focus in 3 areas: development of the EPA at the national level, sector regulation and control of actors.
Click on specific links for DINEPA full description, DINEPA strategies, annual reports, documents on water technicalities, other institutions for water supply, and information about wash cluster Haiti
Angle rue Metellus et Route Ibo lélé, No 4, HT 6140
Pétion-Ville, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2256-4770 / (509) 2513-2078 / (509) 2940-0873
Email: communication@dinepa.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dinepa
Website supports French language.
Go to Direction Nationale de l’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissement's Website.
FER was created in July 24, 2003 by the Haitian State to oversee sustainable development in Haiti by establishing a systematic policy planning and programming of road maintenance, and assessing the financial means to achieve their goals annually. This entity is composed of the following jurisdictions: Board of Directors; Management; Administrative and Financial; and Operations.
Click on the specific links for: FAQ, Internal Structure and Website version in Creole
Fonds d'Entretien Routier (FER)
Boite Postale 13337, Delmas
27, Rue T. Louverture via Delmas 33
Au local du Laboratoire National du Batiment et des Travaux Publics (LNBTP)
Phone: (509) 2246 -9238 / (509) 2246- 9234 / (509) 2246 -9249 / (509) 2514 -2554
Email: fer@fer.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Website supports French and Creole languages.
Go to Fonds d'Entretien Routier's Website
FRH or HRF is a partnership between the international community and the Haitian Government to help finance post-earthquake reconstruction. FRH mobilizes, coordinates and allocates contributions from donors to finance high-priority projects, programs and budget support. They partner with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations (UN) or the World Bank (WB) to ensure that international standards for quality, good governance and financial management are met. All proposals for FRH or HRF financing must be endorsed by the Office of the Prime Minister as consistent with the Action Plan for the Recovery and Development of Haiti.
FRH or HRF is known to be the largest source of un-earmarked financing, having received about 18 percent of total funds disbursed for Haiti as of December 2011. The Fund does not set reconstruction priorities or directly advise the Government but works through implementing agencies that are acceptable to one of their partners.
For the Fund’s profile, click here. For FAQ, click here. For listing of documents for reconstruction process in Haiti, click here. For website in French, click here.
Contact: Send an email
Website supports French and English languages.
Go to Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF)'s Website
The Fund for Economic and Social Assistance (FAES), created in 1990 by Presidential Decree, is an independent, public, financial institution that is supervised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). FAES's mission is to support disadvantaged communities in developing their capabilities, to create a common vision of their future by providing those communities with the necessary support to their building and financing of priority projects. Click on links for their organization structure, annual reports, quarterly newsletter and registration form.
Focus areas: Education, Health, Nutrition, Social assistance, Microfinance, Agriculture, Arts, Environment & transportation and drinking water, Fishing, Housing and Sanitation.
Fonds d’Assistance Economique et Sociale
Central Office
Delmas 75 #1
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2813-1253 / (509) 2513-9360
Email: directiongenerale@faes.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/faeshaiti
Regional Offices |
Bureau Régional du Nord-Est (BRNE) Rue Ste-Anne #26, Fort-Liberté Phone: (509) 3785-1918 |
Bureau Régional du Centre (BRC) Rue Sténio Vincent #86, Hinche Phone: (509) 3785-1916 |
Bureau Régional du Sud (BRS) Route Nationale #2, à coté de Unitransfert, Aquin Phone: (509) 3783- 8393 |
Bureau Régional du Nord-Ouest (BRNO) Nan Vincent (BP 45, Port-de-Paix), Jean-Rabel Phone: (509) 3785-1916 |
Bureau Régional du Sud-Est (BRSE) Rues Belcombe #114, Nan Raquette, Jacmel Phone: (509) 3783-8206 |
Website supports French language
Go to Fonds d’Assistance Economique et Sociale's Website.
Category: Statistics, Finance
Founded in 1950, the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Data Processing is a private organization from the Ministry of Economy and Finance that provides reliable and timely data information in all aspects of economical, social and demographics issues, and also shares those data with governmental, national and international organizations.
- - For an overview of their services, click here
- - For Haiti demographics, click here.
- - For their structural departments, click here.
Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Focus areas: Data collection, Census and Investigation
Institut Haitien de Statistique et d’Informatique
1, Angle rue Joseph Janvier et Blvd Harry Truman
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509)2513-6961 / (509) 2514-3789 / (509) 2514 -3466
Fax: (509) 2221- 5812
Email: info@ihsi.ht or visit their contact page
Website supports French Language.
Go to Institut Haitien de Statistique et d’Informatique's Website
This specialized agency of the United Nations was created in 1944 to promote the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation throughout the world. It sets standards and regulations necessary for aviation safety, security, efficiency and regularity, as well as for aviation environmental protection. The Organization serves as the global forum for civil aviation among its 191 Member States.
The agency’s overall objective is to ensure that the reconstruction and future development of the Haitian civil air transport system conform to ICAO globally recognized standards, as well as national and regional air navigation plans. It is to avoid duplication of efforts and overlap in offers of assistance by donor States or organizations and to strengthen the Office National de l’Aviation Civile (OFNAC) of Haiti.
Click on the specific links for ICAO Structure; Employment; Strategic Objectives; FAQ; ICAO Online Store; Publications and Events. For their mission in Haiti, click here.
Contact for ICAO Headquarters:
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
999 University Street
Montréal, Quebec H3C 5H7, Canada
Phone: (514) 954-8219
Fax: (514) 954-8219
Email: icaohq@icao.int or visit their contact page for regional offices
Twitter: @icaopress
YouTube: International Civil Aviation Organization
Website supports English and French languages.
Go to International Civil Aviation Organization's Website
The Prime Minister’s functions are political, administrative and technical. Under this entity includes the Prime Minister's Office and the General Secretariat of the Prime Minister. The law determines the organization and functioning of the Prime Minister and specifies the legal structures that are governed under this entity.
For events’ listings, click here. For listing of ongoing programs/projects by different ministries of Haiti, click here.
For listing of names of Secretary of State of the different Ministries in Haiti, click here.
For listing of the existing Ministries under Martelly’s presidency, click here.
Primature d'Haïti
33, Boulevard Harry Truman
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - HT-6110
Phone: (509) 2221-0013
Email: Visit their contact page
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Primature-d'Haiti
Twitter: @PrimatureHT
Go to La Primature d'Haiti's Website
The National Laboratory of Building and Public Works of Haiti is an autonomous public institution in charge of managing the quality control of infrastructure under construction in the country. This agency also focuses on geotechnical studies, applied research on building materials and promotion of standards in civil engineering. LNBTP was created in March 11 1974 and is under the oversight of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications.
Click on the specific links in French for Organization’s profile; Geotechnical Mapping; Earthquake Engineering – Zoning of Port-au-Prince
Click on the specific documents’ links (in French) for Flood in Haiti 2004 report; Slip on the RN3, Haiti- 2008 report; Landslide in Kenscoff; and National Observatory of road network 2006 report.
Laboratoire National du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics (LNBTP-HAÏTI)
Rue Toussaint Louverture, #27
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 3510- 0477 / (509) 3511-0477
Email: lnbtp@lnbtp.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Website supports French language.
Go to Laboratoire National du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics' Website
Info-page Coming Soon...
In the meanwhile, please go directly to their website for information
Website supports French language.
Go to Ministere de l'Economie et des Finances' Website
Info-page Coming Soon...
In the meanwhile, please go directly to their website for information
Website supports French language.
Go to Ministere de l'Education Nationale de la Formation Professionnelle's Website
Info-page Coming Soon...
In the meanwhile, please go directly to their website for information
Website supports French language.
Go to Ministère de l'Intérieur et des Collectivités Territoriales' Website
The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action plans, coordinates and evaluates the actions of sports’ institutions and teams. This entity underlines political support, technicality and management in their tasks.
For their projects, click here. For their organizational structure, click here.
(Secretariat du Ministre)
Phone: (509) 2245- 4566
Email: webmaster@jeunessetsports.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Website supports French language. Website is still under construction.
Go to Ministere de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de l’Action Civique's Website.
The Ministry of Justice and Public Safety oversees public safety in Haiti while focusing on standards, security protocol and implementation for the well being of others. They are dedicated in working with other agencies to find solutions to the current situation in Haiti.
For MJSP’s document as of May 2011, click here.
Ministère de la Justice et de la Securite Publique
19 Avenue Charles Summer
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Website is under construction. More info coming soon.
Go to Ministere de la Justice et de la Securite Publique's Website.
The Ministry of Planning and External Collaboration oversees national plans of economic and social development and enhances their planning systems to allow the optimum use of available funds for a balanced economic and social development.
For their organizational structure, click here. For their publications, click here.
For overview on UCAONG (Unite de Coordination des Activites des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales), click here.
For overview on DSNCRP (Document de Strategie Nationale pour la Croissance et pour la Reduction de la Pauvrete), click here.
Contact: Ministère de la Planification et de la Coopération Externe Blvd Harry Truman, Bicentenaire, (Ancien local de l'Ambassade Américaine) Port-au-Prince, Haïti Email: info@mpce.gouv.ht or visit their contact page |
UCAONG Email: ucaong@yahoo.fr |
Go to Ministere de la Planification et de la Cooperation Externe's Website.
The Ministry of Public Health and Population is an Executive entity responsible to formulate and execute policy for the National Public Health in Haiti. Their functions include: coordinating all health interventions (national & foreign) prior implementation; supervising private and public institutions’ work in public health; setting regulations in the construction, expansion and repair of health care facilities; making decisions and supervising health activities related to conventions, protocols and agreements; and controlling any disease outbreak and much more.
For details on their work, click here. For MSPP’s organizational structure, click here. For listing of central departments, click here. For their contact information in different departments, click here. For statistical information, click here. To access “Plan Interimaire du Secteur Santé” document, click here.
Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population
111, Rue Saint Honoré
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Email: info@mspp.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Hours of operation: 8am - 4pm
Website supports French language.
Go to Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population's Website.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development is a State entity that defines the policy of the Haitian Government’s economy in the field of agriculture, renewable natural resources, breeding of animals and country development. In addition, MARNDR implements the financial tools and workforce to reinforce the needs of agriculture in the Haitian communities by researching favorable markets and adapted technologies for production.
For their organizational structure, click here. For different departments of agriculture in Haiti, click here. For statistical documents, click here.
For Agropresse Haiti news, click here. To view the website in Creole, click here.
Ministère de l’Agriculture des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural
P.O. Box 1441
Route Nationale No. 1, Damien
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2510-3916
Email: Visit their contact page
Youtube: Agriculture Haiti
Facebook: Commission de Coordination Aide Alimentaire
Direction de la Coopération Externe Francois Joseph Delinois (Directeur) Phone: (509) 3752-1949 (509) 3441-2650 Email: francoisjdelinois@yahoo.com |
Direction des Ressources Forestières et des Sols Jean Pierre Louis Ogé (Directeur) Phone: (509) 3683-2171 Email: pierreoge@yahoo.com |
Direction de Promotion du Monde Rural Gisèle Dorcéan Poteau (Directrice) Phone: (509) 3759-2742 |
Direction de Suivi et Evaluation Arnold Real (Directeur) Phone: (509) 3760-2332 |
Website supports French and Creole languages.
Go to Ministère de l’Agriculture des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural's Website.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture is a public administrative branch in charge of elaborating, implementing and monitoring the foreign policy of Haiti. MAE is also responsible for promoting Haiti’s best interests, its products, its economic value and wealth, and its culture towards foreign countries. In summary, MAE negotiates and oversees contracts / documents for the betterment of the country while working with other ministries and other governmental agencies to achieve their international commitments.
For MAE’s document by Gerard Latortue, click here.
Ministre des Affaires Étrangères et des Cultes de la République d'Haïti
Twitter: @LaurentLamonthe
Facebook: MAE Haiti
Go to Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres et des Cultes de la Republique d’Haiti's Website.
The Ministry of Tourism develops national policy for tourism in Haiti. Their goal is to promote Haiti’s tourism potential to the Haitian communities and foreigners so they can enjoy unique travel experiences during their stay in Haiti.
For travel documentation, click here. For the Bulletin of Tourism Statistics newsletter (BUST), click here. For other documents, click here. For website in French version, click here.
Ministere du Tourisme - Headquarters
8, rue Légitime (Champs de Mars)
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2949-2010 / 2949-2011 / 2223-5633
Email: info@haititourisme.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Twitter: @TourismHaiti
Website supports French, English and Spanish languages.
Go to Ministere du Tourisme's Website.
The Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad is an entity in charge of promoting the importance and value of the Haitian Diaspora in the economical and social life of the country. It is seen as a platform of information facilitating liaison, coordination and integration of all actions undertaken among the different Haitian communities overseas and within the same communities of the Diaspora.
For MHAVE news, click here. For their programs, click here. For Haiti’s profile, click here.
Ministère des Haïtiens Vivant à l'Etranger
87, Avenue Jean Paul II
Turgeau, Haïti
HT 6113
Phone: (509) 2245-1116
Fax: (509) 2245-0287
Email: info@mhave.gouv.ht or visit their contact page
Twitter: @mhave_info
Website supports French language.
Go to Ministre des Haitiens Vivant a l’Etranger's Website.
MINUSTAH was created by the Security Council of Haiti to promote inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation; provide logistical support and security in the forthcoming elections; strengthen the authority of Parliament’s legislative and executive ruling of the ministries; support local authorities in the establishment of any state structures; maintain public safety; and protect human rights.
Click on the specific links for Employment; OCHA Newsletter; News from different regions of Haiti.
Website supports French and English languages.
Go to MINUSTAH's Website
Info-page Coming Soon...
In the meanwhile, please go directly to their website for information
Website supports French language.
Go to Office D'Assurance Accidents du Travail, Maladie et Maternite's Website
The National Identification Office’s tasks are to keep the National Identification Registry; receive requests for National Identification Cards; issue and renew the National Identification Cards; work with the Haitian Institute of Statistics and Information (IHSI) for the population census; and perform any other duties assigned by law and collaborate with the Electoral Council for the listing of electoral institutions.
Click on the links for ONI offices in different departments of Haiti, guide for identification, guide for civil registry, and population registry.
General secretariat: (509) 2944-2392
Technical service: (509) 2944-2396
Reception desk: (509) 2944-2398
Email: Send an online message
Website supports French language.
Go to Office National d’Identification's Website
The Haitian Parliament is elected by the people and is representative of the Nation. In addition to its executive role, the Parliament makes laws and controls the budget of the Republic and ensures that work is being done as efficient, transparent and within the standards at the executive level. The Parliament consists of Senators and Deputies who were elected to fill a specific function.
For Parliament’s internal structure, click here. For Parliament’s functions, click here.
Click on the specific links for information on: the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, Parliamentary Internship Program, Parliament in different regions of Haiti, Parliamentary Service Center, Parliament radio emissions.
Contact: None available
Website supports French language.
Go to The Haitian Parliament's Website
Official website of the secretariat of state for literacy
The Secretary of State for Literacy's mission is to formulate and implement the policy of the Executive Branch in the areas of Literacy, Post-Literacy and Education Adult. Its main task is to design and implement literacy and post literacy to eradicate illiteracy throughout the country. In support to the success of these programs, the SEA is considering the development and implementation of small-scale micro-level literacy centers, to the integration of new literates in the economy their area and in the social and democratic life of the country.
Secrétairerie d’État à l’Alphabétisation
Email: Visit their contact page
Website supports French language.
Go to Secrétairerie d’État à l’Alphabétisation's Website.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency that provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States.
Click on specific links for information about Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti; Work in Haiti; Business Partnerships; Employment; Government of Haiti Action Plan; and Events.
For USAID in Washington, click here.
USAID-Haiti |
USAID-Washington |
USAID Library |
American Embassy Boulevard 15 Octobre
Tabarre 41
Tabarre, Haiti
Phone: (509) 2229-8000 Fax: (509) 2229-8066 Email: infoHaiti@usaid.gov or visit their contact page
Information Center Ronald Reagan Building 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20523. Phone: (202) 712-4810 / (202) 712-0000 Email: Visit their contact page
Ronald Reagan Building Mezzanine Level Phone: (202) 712-0579 (USAID Library Reference Desk)
Email: ksc@usaid.gov |
Go to USAID - Haiti's Website