Haiti Seisme - Ayiti Tranbleman te - Haiti Earthquake

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2010 - 2013

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The loved ones that we lost will forever stay in our hearts…

line The loved ones that we lost will forever stay in our hearts…

“Losing a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, an aunt or uncle, a cousin, a friend, a best friend, a schoolmate, a professor, a colleague, a co-worker, a child — these are losses that we can never replace but we can honor them in keeping their memories alive in the things we do every day, in the advices given to us, in the love and caring given to us, in the time and smile given to us and in the things they themselves love to do with us. It is a very painful process and no one can tell you when to smile, when to laugh, when to cry, when to talk about the tragedy. No one knows your story better than yourself”.

“The loved ones that we lost will forever stay in our hearts. The memories will still be livid in our minds and there will always be something that we do whether daily or once in awhile to say: “ I wish my ……” was here” and it is totally ok. In this moment all religions and backgrounds and social classes are in one melting pot. If you believe in the Divine Source, those passing souls are now your guardian angels in Heaven. “

- Haiti1Stop

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