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Written by Dahla

AIDS has been ravaging thousands of lives for many years. The disease is rampant, especially in the Black community. However, one of the ways that it can be prevented, is by using a condom and practicing safe sex.

If you do not know your status, please go get tested, and have your partner tested as well. Whether you are single, married, gay, straight, black, white, regardless of your ethnicity, rich or poor, AIDS does not discriminate.

Haiti1Stop urges you to be smart about your choices and to love yourself! By loving yourself, you can be empowered not to become yet another statistic.

Educate yourself! Get the Facts!

You can find a testing location near you by visiting the links below :

  1. Free and Confidential Clinics for testing in all 5 Boroughs
  2. World Aids Day
  3. AIDS
  4. World AIDS Day 2011
  5. UNAIDS – World AIDS Report 2011 In English or In French
  6. USAID- Haiti Report 2010
  7. NYC Events


“Si Haiti était une planète, quelle planète serait-elle?”

Haiti1Stop a récemment posé la question,

“Si Haiti était une planète, quelle planète serait-elle?”

et nous avons donné les options suivantes:

  • Mercure – Sans atmosphère et avec des différences de température dramatique
  • Venus – Atmosphère épaisse et avec températures incroyablement élevées
  • Terre – Une atmosphère qui soutient et aide a protéger la vie
  • Mars – Sans atmosphère et avec des températures incroyablement bas
  • Jupiter – Atmosphère largement gazeuse avec des puissantes tempêtes
  • Saturne – Atmosphère largement gazeuse et température impossible a établir
  • Uranus – Atmosphère largement gazeuse, la plus froide du système solaire
  • Neptune – Atmosphère largement gazeuse et froid a l’exterior

Les résultats étaient surprenant! Nous avons recus un total de 692 votes!

  1. Mercure a reçut 265 votes
  2. Venus a reçut 185 votes
  3. Terre a reçut 181 votes
  4. Saturne a reçut 16 votes
  5. Jupiter a reçut 15 votes
  6. Neptune a reçut 14 votes
  7. Mars a reçut 13 votes
  8. Uranus a reçut 3 votes

Beaucoup d’entre vous pensaient que l’atmosphère d’Haïti subi des changements de température dramatique. Etant donné que nous ne parlons pas de conditions météorologique, Haiti1Stop se demande,

  1. Pourquoi pensez-vous que Haïti est si dramatique?
  2. Quels sont les changements a faire dans le pays pour que vous le comparez à la Terre?

Nous attendons vos réponses impatiemment!

Postez les sur notre page de Facebook!

What are we grateful for?

Written by Dahla

free_custom_icons_set_tutorial9-com1_256_finalWith Thanksgiving fast approaching, we are presented with an opportunity to be grateful and give thanks. Gratitude as defined by Wiki, is a feeling, emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. Since we have all received something at one point in our lives, gratitude is an art that we all must possess. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Haiti1Stop would like you to try something new by following our recipe:

  • Take some time for reflection and meditation
  • Remember those who are in need of shelter, food, support, financial help, medical care, love, comfort, and parents in their lives
  • Remember those who have passed away and how they have impacted your lives
  • Reach out to those in need and help make a difference in their lives
  • Acknowledge your family, friends, co-workers and everyone who has helped in your life journey
  • Appreciate nature and earth and all that it brings to you as life lessons
  • Open your heart to HOPE for those who are facing challenges
  • Pray and open your heart to positive and unique experiences in life
  • Write down 10 things you are most grateful for and share them with loved ones

Haiti1Stop™ wishes a Happy Thanksgiving to all those of you who do celebrate this holiday.
We welcome your insights on our Facebook Page on the meaning of this day.

Joyeux 208eme Anniversaire de Vertières!

Pour célébrer cette journée, nous n’allons pas vous donner un discours proverbiale. Au contraire, nous allons vous poser quelques questions qui devraient rafraîchir votre mémoire sur l’histoire d’Haiti. “Quand on ne sait pas où l’on va, il faut retourner d’où l’on vient.” Alors, retournons au passé pour guidance et direction sur notre future.


1. Où est né François Capois (surnommer Capois-La-Mort)?
2. Quel était Vertières?
3. Ou était situé le fort de Vertières?
4. Qu’est-ce que nos ancêtres essayaient de faire le 18 Novembre 1803?
5. Qui était en charge de diriger les troupes et d’ attaquer ce fort?
6. Combien de fois a-t’il dû attaquer le fort avant de gagner?
7. C’était quoi la différence entre l’armée Française et celle Haïtienne?
8. Qui a ordonner l’assassinat du général François Capois?
9. Quel est la date de la mort du general Francois Capois?
10. Où, dans nos vies quotidiennes peux t’on voir une image de Francois Capois?
11. Où, dans nos vies quotidiennes peux t’on voir un monument a la bataille de Vertières?
12. Quel autre événement avont nous l’habitute de celebrer aussi aujourd’hui?


1. François Capois est né à Port-de-Paix en 1766.
2. Vertières etait un fort
3. A côté de la ville de Cap-Haïtien
4. Jean-Jacques Dessalines avait ordonné aux troupes Haïtiennes de prendre contrôle du fort de Vertières.
5. François Capois (surnommer Capois-La-Mort)
6. Francois Capois a du entamer quatre assaut envers le fort.
7. Les Français avaient 2,000 soldats, tandis que les Haïtiens avaient 20,000 esclaves. Les Français avaient aussi contrôle du fort de Vertières, qui les permettaient d’attaquer avec des canons.
8. Henri Christophe, car il voyait en lui un probable rival politique après la mort attendue de l’empereur Jean-Jacques Dessalines
9. Francois Capois est mort le 19 Octobre 1806, a la hauteur du village de Limonade, a l’age de 40 ans, et presque trois ans après avoir lutté dans la bataille de Vertières.
10. Dans le billet de cinquante gourdes Haïtiens.
11. Dans le billet de cinq gourdes Haïtiens.
12. Jour Des Forces Armées

“If Haiti was a ___, what___would it be?”

“Si Haïti était un/une___quel type de___serait-elle?”

The team at Haiti1Stop isn’t always all seriousness. We do try to have some fun to break up the monotony of hours of work. We’d like to think of ourselves as pretty fun and interesting women. With that said, we are going to be introducing a new segment called,

“If Haiti was a _____________, what_____________would it be?”

on our Facebook page. We definitely hope to see you participate and hopefully it will bring as much lightheartedness into your life as it did ours.

Thank you!

Click here to go to our Facebook page.

Que pensez vous de l’administration du President Martelly?

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Test your Haiti Knowledge

Did you know that Haiti1Stop was a Google maps contributor? Don’t believe us? Come and check out the maps we helped create on our Maps/Data Page. And while you are at it, give yourself a quiz to see how much you really know about Haiti, the departments and the communes.

Nothing infuriates us more than when people say, “Oh, I know all about Haiti because I visited such & such location on a cruise/mission/vacation/trip”. Haiti is a big island, and one cannot make assumptions about the entire country based on one location and one experience alone. Haiti is a sum of its parts, and you have to know and understand them all before you understand Haiti.

Ok, next time we see you, you should be able to recite from memory all of the communes in all of the departments of Haiti. Education is empowerement! So go ahead, step up to the challenge and empower yourself!

Haiti Film Festival

Let’s celebrate the Haiti Film Festival on Nov 18 – Nov 20!

Haiti Cultural Exchange (HCX) invites the community to a 3-day weekend festival to celebrate the Haitian culture and society. The Festival kicks off on November 18th with an Opening Night Reception at the Brooklyn Museum, and is followed by 2 days of FREE Haitian film screenings featured at Long Island University.

This will be an exciting event not to be missed. Share the event with your friends and families, and colleagues and anyone interested in film, arts and Haitian culture!

For more details about the Film Festival, visit Haiti1Stop’s calendar page.

Open Call to all Haitian Designers & Artists for an International Design Competition!

Haiti1Stop would love to see a Haitian Designer or Artist win this competition! Slavery is part of Haiti’s past, and we would have never became the first independent slave colony, had we not fought against it.

Here are the details of the competition:

The Permanent Memorial Committee and UNESCO are accepting design proposals for the creation of a Permanent Memorial to honor the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. There is no entry fee to submit a design proposal, and the deadline for submission to UNESCO is December 19, 2001. The theme to remember when sending in your proposals and designs is: “Acknowledging the Tragedy: Considering the Legacy: Lest We Forget”.

Any questions for Phase I of the competition should be addressed via e-mail to:, no later than November 30, 2011.

You can also visit the website for additional information.

Andrea L.M. Wilson
Counsellor (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Affairs)
Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the United Nations
Tel: 212 935 7509, Ext 116
Fax: 212 935 7607

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM)

Written by Dahla

   On October 23rd 2011, EMG Health Communications held their 11th annual luncheon conference on breast cancer awareness. The event was an eye-opening into the seriousness of the disease, how it affects different ethnic groups, and especially how alarming it is for the Black population. Presentations were done by knowledgeable physicians on genetic components, testing modalities, reconstructive surgery, surgical procedures, and types of treatments available and much more. All physicians on the panel agreed that early detection is important to begin a journey of discovery for both you and your doctor to work together towards a suitable treatment specific to your type of cancer.

The end of October is nearing and we want to urge every woman to initiate a doctor’s visit and keep their follow-up appointment and continue to have the self breast manual exam. Breast Cancer is not a disease that occurs only in October and it is imperative that women listen to their bodies, ask questions and educate themselves on a daily basis. The key is early detection and know your family history.

Do not let fear refrain you from seeing a doctor or health care provider. Do take your health seriously and stay connected with the health care community and share your struggles / findings with family and friends. Next year, mark your calendar to attend the next EMG Health Communications luncheon in October 2012 and visit their website:

Pour les femmes haitiennes, visitez ce guide pour examen des seins en Francais: Guide de l’auto-examen


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